Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) What is Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES)? It is a dynamic program in which people with diabetes gain knowledge, self-management skills, and support needed to make changes to better manage their diabetes through ever-changing life situations. It is an interactive, ongoing process engaging the person with diabetes, the caregiver or family, and a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES). The aim of DSMES is not only achieving health targets but also improving quality of life. Diabetes in a Nutshell & Monitoring 1st Tues or Thurs of every month List behaviors that help you manage your diabetes Describe how diabetes affects your body Important lab tests, meaning of results & goals Understand how monitoring is key to self-managing diabetes Healthy Coping & Taking Medications 2nd Tues or Thurs of every month Identify Diabetes Distress and healthy coping strategies Explain your role in diabetes self-management Identify medications available to help manage diabetes Understand side effects, tips and storage of medications Healthy Eating & Being Active 3rd Tues or Thurs of every month Use the plate method to create balanced meals Classifications/effects of different diabetes medications Identify sources of carbohydrates & why they affect blood glucose List the benefits of physical activity Develop a personal activity plan Reducing Risks & Problem Solving 4th Tues or Thurs of every month List common long-term complications associated with diabetes State steps to reduce the risks for complications Apply problem-solving techniques to help solve diabetes problems Demonstrate where to find resources and support to help manage diabetes If you’re interested in attending classes talk to your Medical Point of Contact. Family members can come along with you! Additional resources will guide you through each class and assist you with prepping to see your Diabetes Care Team. Click here for additional resources